Sundays at Reveal

Here are directions using Google Maps.

Yes. Currently, we meet in Pastor Jason's home. We have been meeting regularly since the end of 2022 and have been growing. We are praying about a future location, but God still has us at Pastor Jason's and we only want to be where God wants us to be.

Church service begins at 10:00am. Everyone is invited to come early to enjoy a cup of coffee with us or stay late and enjoy lunch. We love hanging out with each other and we invite you to hang out with us too! 

Because we are a house church, the only parking we have is on the street. There are only houses on one side of the street though, so there is always plenty of parking available. 

The simple answer is no. We love worshiping together as whole families so we encourage everyone to "do church" together. We have a special place where kids can sit (or they can sit with their parents) and even have special bulletins just for them. We even have a treasure chest, kids can choose a prize from if they can tell their parents something they learned from the service. 

Great question! We choose to take communion every week at Reveal. Not everyone is obligated to partake, but we think remembering the amazing work Christ did for us on the cross deserves to be remembered more than once a month or at a special service. 

We always provide a gluten free option for communion.

At Reveal, we primarily use the Christian Standard Bible (CSB). The CSB offers a balanced translation between "word for word" and "thought for thought." We believe the CSB offers a clear understanding of the original intent of the author while also remaining readable and teachable for all audiences. You can learn more about the CSB translation at

We love giving away t-shirts so we make sure that every guest gets a free Reveal t-shirt. Other than that, we won't make a big deal out of it. We don't want anyone to feel embarrassed - just welcomed and loved!